The Swirl House
The enchanted castle of Ebaupinay stands in austerity behind a little army of trees and a moat of deep green water. The Swirl Houses peer at the castle and the distant french countryside from within the thin forest In this design, we imagined a journey from the confines of reality and its conventions to a whimsical, immersive, and cozy experience.
The first module playfully spirals up around young trees while the second lift up from the earth in a more subtle and elegant fashion. As one ascends the stairs and walks through space, a fluent, upwards circulation will take one directly outdoors again--onto the rooftop balcony. This experience imitates the continuous growth of trees and eventually returns its visitor to openness. The dark earth-toned exterior complements the warm light of the interior and conveys a sense of privacy and secrecy. Natural light enters from all directions of the house to reach all areas, blurring the boundary between the pre-mediated wild and the mediated living space. The first module features a long skylight that frames the sky. One will drift to sleep with the view of the night sky lingering beneath eyelids. At night when interior lighting comes through the semi-circular skylight, a glowing horseshoe can be seen to face the castle, as if guarding the castle and awaiting command. The modules are simplistic and fun dwellings for visitors to reside in and witness the growth and decay of the natural landscape. They are an escape from the chaos of the world and a safe haven to find calm and quiescence in the appreciation of nature and depths of historical reflection.